Tarot Card: Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune signifies the changeability of fate – the sometimes sudden reversal of a situation. It can sometimes positively be get back by us change.
- changes in life
- an announcement of upcoming changes
- transitional stages
- sudden events
- a new beginning
- brave steps in life
- activity
- the smile of fortune
- material success
- a changeable period in life
- an unexpected change in certain matters
- following destiny
- the chance of a lifetime
- an announcement of recent developments
- ups and downs in love
- committing to improving a relationship
- following destiny
Finance and work:
- success in business
- a happy departure from financial troubles
- a change at work, or the improvement in conditions in the current position
- self-realization
- fast money
- the chance of a lifetime
- commitment to work
Description of the person:
- indecisive
- persistent
- active
- energetic
- enterprising
- devoted to a passion
- busy
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- Money horoscope: Aquarius I need some luck in money to pay everythink off and live comfortable with my family...
- Money horoscope: Aquarius I wish i had a lot of money comming my way so i can give my family what the best for them instead of...
- Money horoscope: Aries Thank you!...