Tarot Card: The Star
In general, the Star signifies youth and harmony. It indicates hope in a new beginning and announces a positive stage in life. Sometimes it also signifies turning to look inside oneself and following one’s intuition.
- harmony and stability
- hope in a new beginning
- peace and soothing nerves
- artistic work and creativity
- rest
- protection
- balance
- improving relationships with others
- new ideas
- understanding
- love
- a new beginning in the relationship
- a relationship full of love
- platonic love
Finance and work:
- hope for a new job
- rewards for service at work
- room for financial improvement
- participation in profitable projects
- perception of career prospects
- success at work and in business
Description of the person:
- calm
- beautiful
- cheerful
- energetic
- comforting
- understanding
- optimistic
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