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Horoscope 2016 » Leo

Horoscope Leo

This year, for the majority of Leos, will bring positive changes in the emotional field. Venus will take care of almost everyone of you, by sending a truly fiery relationship.Financially it would be fine, but many of you will have to mobilize themselves in order to gain a lot of money.
If, by far, the work did not bring you satisfaction, do something in this direction this year. Be the boss yourself or try to get due promotion.No charge through your health. You may look twenty years younger than you are, but adequate form of relaxation will ensure you safe form for the body.
At the end of autumn, there is a possibility of  a visit of someone that you have not seen  for a long time from your extended family.

Feelings and love – dear Leo, the year by far in terms of emotional affairs is  yours. You will have a great chance to meet someone perfect for you. If there is anyone in your heart, get up the courage and make the appropriate emotional declarations. The next opportunity may not appear for a very long time. This is the year, in which Venus takes much care of trine signs of fire. Go Ahead , Leo, fight for your second half,  and certainly  you will not regret it.In the stable relationships also renewals of feelings and explosion of passions.

Job and career - Starting from this year, you have a great chance to be the boss for yourself. Any decisions related to the beginning of the self-employment, have a good chance of success. You will be able to obtain adequate resources to launch such activities. This year, Fortuna will bring advantages. You can play a game of chance, you can win signnificant prizes.Since early summer until the end of the year, you can speed up and into work, in which you move with the necessary energy. Compete also for a better position, you will be noticed.

Health – dear  Leo, it is the time to slow down a little bit. Take care of proper diet, supplements and a dose of relaxation. Swimming pool, sauna, walking in the woods - these things will definitely soothe your nerves, frayed lately. Remember also to take care of yourself, not only about your loved ones.

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